Letters from the Oman Trail – Fear

Letters from the Oman Trail – Fear

I have never regretted going forward, even when it got dauntingly scary, and made me question my sanity. I only regret the few times I turned around.”

Fear is not a feeling most of us like to experience. We tend to run away from it, trying to avoid scary situations as much as we can. We create comfort zones and trap ourselves inside. Prisoners of the fear of fear. Only to soon feel bored and disenchanted in our sanitized daily routines. Some, dream of escaping but never take the plunge, turning around and returning to the safety of their nest. Others, dare and fly.

This comes to my mind as the last climb was a bit rough, but to be honest, I am confronted with fear at the beginning of every new trail. As I pause and observe the unknown, my body temperature rises and my heart beat goes faster. I ask myself if it is safe to enter. My first reaction is always the same: Fear of the unknown. Why go ? I am fine on the track I’m currently on, why risk it on this new one ? I’m sure there is an easier way somewhere. What if it goes bad, what will happen then ? My first intention is to avoid it and stay in my comfort zone. Finding all the reasons in the world not to go. To play it safe. But renouncing is the worst thing I can do. Coming all the way down here is precisely to escape my comfort zone and open my horizon to new experiences. It doesn’t matter if it goes bad, as once in a while it does. What matters is that by going forward, and not renouncing, you live and enrich yourself.

I have never regretted going forward, even when it got dauntingly scary, and made me question my sanity. I only regret the few times I turned around.

For now, the track is back to smooth and I can relax again until the next challenge.

oman trail
